2014年4月30日 星期三


Last letter my mom wrought me this question: What has the Atonement helped you to become better?

In our daily life. We are restrained by many things. It includes worldly and spiritually. Our spiritual growth will be influenced by our worldly decisions. However through the Atonement we can change our destiny. We can make impossible to possible. Why then Jesus said: I have overcome the world. His mercy can turn our weaknesses to strengths. Through his atoning sacrifice we have chance to change our self. The atonement is a power to transform us into something. For example; A broken vessel. No matter how hard you try to fix you will never be able to restore to the perfect form. We as sons and daughters are not in the same cause. Christ has atoned for you and me. Each one of us can change our behaviors through his enabling power. Family can be united again. We will see our beloved one again. Death has no victory.                     

2014年4月26日 星期六


你相信家庭是神給你最好的學習環境嗎? 我相信的確如此,因為神愛你,他已經賜給你一個家庭使你成長和學習,然而"任何成功都不能彌補家庭的失敗"。

神制定一個家庭讓所有的靈體兒女都有機會來到世上學習,透過家庭我們學習到包容、關愛、體貼、服務、原諒 .. 等等多種美好的特質,家庭的成功在於母親和父親共同努力,耶穌曾教導: 愛人如己。你能想像家人都能彼此相愛,沒有抱怨只求他人的益處不求自己的益處的情況嗎? 若一個家庭能做到沒有爭吵只有彼此相愛,其實天堂,已經在你家裡了。

- 家可成為人間天堂

Do you believe that family has the best environment for learning? I do believe so. Because God loves you. He has provided you a family to learn and grow. However "No other success in life can compensate for failure in the home".

God ordained family to be the place where his spirit children can have the opportunity to dwell on it and trough it we may learn and grow as well. In Family we learn how to love, serve, forgive and to be kind to another.. many wonderful characteristics we could learn. The success of a family depends on the efforts both wife and husband. Jesus taught: Love one anther. Can you image a family members are loving one another, no complaining, only seeking the good for others not self's. If a family can without quarreling only loving one another. The Heaven - actually are at your house.      

2014年4月16日 星期三



每個人在生活中都需要被理解和諒解,這世界有時又好像迷宮般人人在找尋一個出口試圖找到那深層的渴望,想要一位知己能暢談天地、痛哭一番,同享甘苦和喜樂,世界少了愛就好像一個屋裡缺了光,你怎麼樣也不會感到舒適和快樂,既然如此人又何必互相論斷呢? 任何一句汙穢的話沒有建立的效果只有摧毀一切,若是如此怎能讓污穢的言語出口呢? 論斷他人不如分享你的愛吧! 簡單的服務一句愉快的問候都能促成社會和家庭的成長,你若想要得到別人的愛你就要先付出你的愛。

Love is not a simple phase but an simple action. If you don't show love then you do not love.

Everyone in this life needs to be understood and forgiven. Sometime this earth is similar to a maze which we all are trying to find the exit for the deeper desire in our hearts. We want to have a friend who can talk with and cry together. Share each others burdens. If this world doesn't have a love; it is similar to a house which doesn't have a light. You will never be feeling comfortable and happy in that house. If that is the cause then why are we still judging others? Any filthy words can't build up anything but destroy everything. Shouldn't we stop judging others? If you want to gain the love you must show your love. A simple greeting and service can develop good relationship between in families and the society.     

2014年4月15日 星期二

Because of him

A short video shows the life of Jesus Christ. During this special occasion. We ought to think what he has down for us. May we always remember his atoning sacrifice! 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Because of You

2014年4月9日 星期三

We sacrifice for the greater blessings.

At some point we are all looking for the higher passion or degree on this life. Or maybe even just want to have a better life for your family or individual! no matter what you are striving to become without laboring you will never meet success.

In Chinese their is a phrase: 10 min on the stage, 10 years on the back stage. The majority of the  successful man are not because they have a better condition or they have a wealth family but a hard working hands. They spend much more time for their welfare then others. Without laboring the success will never come. So what do we need to do to be a successful man? First you need to be a doer.

Doer is not a type of person just watching this world its-self to change. But rather to change this world. You must labor and spent your time for the ideal future you want to have. You can't just say: I will be skinner by the end of this month and then set there watching the TV ,eating the chips and hoping you will become a model! The condition will not change until someone changes it. Doer is not a type of person hoping people will give them everything they need but do things before anyone else. Doer is not a watcher but a worker. Doer knows the importance of sacrifice because they want to receive the greater blessings. Wisely spending time on your labor. When you become a doer, Your life will be happier then ever before.

2014年4月7日 星期一

Will ye also go away?

On one occasion Jesus taught his disciples the importance of partaking the sacrament. But they understood not the teachings of the master. Instantly many of his disciples " went back. Walked no more with him " ( John 6:66). How many of us went back and walked no more with him simply because we understand not the Gospel of Christ? After the people left Christ alone there. He turned to the twelve and said this question that I consider as a crucial question we all need to respond. said he: " Will ye also go away? "( John 6:67). The same question He is asking you. Will you also go away? I think he will want to know where is your heart? Do you love me? After we have received many blessings from him. Are we still leaving him behind and denying his atonement only because we understand not completely?  

When we really think deeply about his crucifixion. He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and die on the cross. In his anguish he cried out " not my will but thy be down ". said to the father. he was suffering all these totally, completely alone. The only thing he asks us to do is to turn our hearts to him. To believe him that through his atoning sacrifice we can maintain this this life and the life to come. He never never asks you to do the same thing that he had been through. My friends. Don't let him alone again. He is there always since the beginning of this world. Ask for strength. Pray for guidance. Do what he asks you to do. those who peruse in this course will gain a inner peace that Christ is the savoir of the world. And he will come again.