每個人在生活中都需要被理解和諒解,這世界有時又好像迷宮般人人在找尋一個出口試圖找到那深層的渴望,想要一位知己能暢談天地、痛哭一番,同享甘苦和喜樂,世界少了愛就好像一個屋裡缺了光,你怎麼樣也不會感到舒適和快樂,既然如此人又何必互相論斷呢? 任何一句汙穢的話沒有建立的效果只有摧毀一切,若是如此怎能讓污穢的言語出口呢? 論斷他人不如分享你的愛吧! 簡單的服務一句愉快的問候都能促成社會和家庭的成長,你若想要得到別人的愛你就要先付出你的愛。
Love is not a simple phase but an simple action. If you don't show love then you do not love.
Everyone in this life needs to be understood and forgiven. Sometime this earth is similar to a maze which we all are trying to find the exit for the deeper desire in our hearts. We want to have a friend who can talk with and cry together. Share each others burdens. If this world doesn't have a love; it is similar to a house which doesn't have a light. You will never be feeling comfortable and happy in that house. If that is the cause then why are we still judging others? Any filthy words can't build up anything but destroy everything. Shouldn't we stop judging others? If you want to gain the love you must show your love. A simple greeting and service can develop good relationship between in families and the society.