2014年3月26日 星期三

A Great Attitude will change everything

樂觀的人總有一堆人喜歡跟著他,因為他會激發和崛起你的深沉潛能,樂觀的人好像一座燈塔會帶人走向正確的路帶領你脫離那狂風暴雨的海浪,悲觀的人卻像一間漆黑陰森的房間,進去了只會失了方向,找不著路口也找不找任何指示牌,沒有人願意孤單寂寞也沒人願意一輩子有在陰暗的道路上,慶幸的是我們有位偉大的老師! 他是耶穌基督。

耶穌基督的教導都是在教人歸向他並且回到天父的身邊,他曾說道: 大地各端的人阿,道我這裡來,買奶和蜜,不用金錢,也不用代價 (尼腓二書26:25)。他也曾交導我們說 : 人為​朋友​捨命,​人​的​愛心​沒有​比​這個​大​的 (約翰福音15:13 )。他的一生都在教訓人向善並到各個地方去服務他人,如果一個人能夠培養出像基督班的品格他將會是一位很成功的一位老師。因為他就是光而那光點亮所有的人,他就是那燈塔能帶你脫離險境,也能引你回到家。

People like to follow a positive teacher. friend or teacher. Because they can motivate and arose your inner potential. A positive person just like a lighthouse will lead and lighten your heart and leads you out from the horrible waves and torrential rains. Pessimist is like a dark room. When you inter into it. you will never find the direction or guideline from it. No one likes walking on a dark and isolated path of his or her whole life. fortunately we have a perfect teacher who is Jesus Christ!   

The teachings of Christ always lead out the way to return to Heavenly Father and how to love one another. once he said: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, Buy milk and honey, without money and without price.( 2 Nephi 26:25). He is inviting " you " to come unto him that you may have peace and joy in you life. Also he taught us how to treat people"  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends( John 15:13). He spent his whole life to teach us how to serve and love. A person can become a great teacher like he is by developing Christ like attitudes. Because he is the light of the world. Hi is like a lighthouse which lighten our path and  leads  us away from the tragedy.   

2014年3月18日 星期二

Learning Englsh

I still remember about 21 months ago. The first day I got USA. I was felling whelmed and so excited! I didn't know what is going to be but I just know everything will be FUN! I stayed in the MTC (missionary training center) for 9 weeks for learning English. well, It was a good experience and I learned a lot from there. And I also learned how to use my feed and hands to communicate with my companions! I bet they had been trying so hard to understand me.. ha ha.

After I finished my training program; It's time for me to fly! The place where I went was VA! And I will spend 2 years there to serve and share the gospel with people. For the first transfer (month) I was a bit timid to talk to people. As you know that I just got out form the MTC for learning English. I tried to talk with people on the street! but they hardly understood me. I tried and tried and tried but still they just can't understand me! It was a little bit frustrating.

Through the time past. I grown and my skill to speak English is getting better but not yet to the level I want. But for those who really want to learn and develop your talent. I have a firm testimony on this. Set a goal for yourself and ask your Heavenly Father (God) for help. He never leaves you alone just let you learn by your self. He will guide you and assist you in any aspects. He truly loves you and desires of you. You are the most treasure sons and daughters of Him. Find your talent and develop it and share your talent with others to bless your family and His children. Then you shall have great joy in your heart and as you consistently striving to devolve your talent. It will be a great tool for not only yourself but future generations.

2014年3月13日 星期四


我從小就一直生活在幻想之中,長大後理解到我並沒有像超人一樣的超能力也沒有像電影明星一樣的俊美,但是! 我卻很喜歡學習不同的事物,在成長的過程當中父母並沒有給予過大的壓力逼迫身為小孩子的我們去學習,但總是給我們自由和空間去發揮我們的才能,從小喜歡畫畫的我也就開始了我個人的繪畫旅程,我並非是最用功讀書的孩子但我對繪圖的熱誠卻不曾減少,買了書.筆就開始畫了起來,能的話就在紙上畫沒紙就畫在桌上都沒有的話就畫在手心上,還記得在當兵時有段時間每天都要立正站好不能動! 這時候我的眼中的畫面就好像是一幅白紙開始畫在空中,整個場景似乎都被我改變了!

每個人都有自己想追求的夢想,學習的過程有時快樂有時痛苦,有時甚至還要受點傷才能得到,老爸常常跟我說: 不經一番寒澈苦焉得梅花撲鼻香,學會微笑能幫助你有力的完成工作和你想學習的事情,負面情緒並不會為你組織任何東西只會摧毀一切夢想和努力,老爸常說: 起步是最難的,但只要你過了那個關卡接下來的就會隨心應手了。我從學習畫畫的經驗體會到如果沒有耐心所畫出來的畫不是畫看了也不賞心悅目只會令人厭煩和煩躁,時間會精煉你的耐心,有誰一生下來就懂的走路呢? 大家都是經過努力學習才學會的,誰一開始就知道如何使用筷子呢? 從小吃到大吃多了才知道,所有的才能都是需要時間的,給自己一些耐心慢慢學習你要學的才能總有一天你會達到那"超人"的境界!

才能 = 時間 + 精力 + 專注力。