2014年3月26日 星期三

A Great Attitude will change everything

樂觀的人總有一堆人喜歡跟著他,因為他會激發和崛起你的深沉潛能,樂觀的人好像一座燈塔會帶人走向正確的路帶領你脫離那狂風暴雨的海浪,悲觀的人卻像一間漆黑陰森的房間,進去了只會失了方向,找不著路口也找不找任何指示牌,沒有人願意孤單寂寞也沒人願意一輩子有在陰暗的道路上,慶幸的是我們有位偉大的老師! 他是耶穌基督。

耶穌基督的教導都是在教人歸向他並且回到天父的身邊,他曾說道: 大地各端的人阿,道我這裡來,買奶和蜜,不用金錢,也不用代價 (尼腓二書26:25)。他也曾交導我們說 : 人為​朋友​捨命,​人​的​愛心​沒有​比​這個​大​的 (約翰福音15:13 )。他的一生都在教訓人向善並到各個地方去服務他人,如果一個人能夠培養出像基督班的品格他將會是一位很成功的一位老師。因為他就是光而那光點亮所有的人,他就是那燈塔能帶你脫離險境,也能引你回到家。

People like to follow a positive teacher. friend or teacher. Because they can motivate and arose your inner potential. A positive person just like a lighthouse will lead and lighten your heart and leads you out from the horrible waves and torrential rains. Pessimist is like a dark room. When you inter into it. you will never find the direction or guideline from it. No one likes walking on a dark and isolated path of his or her whole life. fortunately we have a perfect teacher who is Jesus Christ!   

The teachings of Christ always lead out the way to return to Heavenly Father and how to love one another. once he said: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, Buy milk and honey, without money and without price.( 2 Nephi 26:25). He is inviting " you " to come unto him that you may have peace and joy in you life. Also he taught us how to treat people"  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends( John 15:13). He spent his whole life to teach us how to serve and love. A person can become a great teacher like he is by developing Christ like attitudes. Because he is the light of the world. Hi is like a lighthouse which lighten our path and  leads  us away from the tragedy.   

